Monday, February 19, 2007

sub fun!

So I subbed this past Thursday. My first time ever subbing. I wasn't worried cause it was just a half day and it was for third grade, how hard could that be....right. Before I get started, quick question. Is it good if the principal has to come to your room after only an hour? Ok anyway so I'm in the room waitin for the kiddies. The file in and are very excited to have a guy sub. (awesome) So they start with silent reading, everything is fine. Then we do a writers workshop where they just have to write a story. shit i could do this in my sleep, no problem. I notice a small boy walking around a lot and not really doing any work. I was pretty content to let him busy himself with other matters until those matters turned into ripping up papers and breaking pens. ok a little odd, but im still good. So I go over and talk with little Bishop. freakin awesome name. I ask him whats going on, makes some jokes, get on his good side. easy. So then it starts to escalate to where Bishop is now recklessly creating messes everywhere and freakin out the other kids, stay calm im twice his size i can take him. So I go over and explain his options, write a story, go to the nurse, or go to the office. He chose to rip up more paper and throw books on the floor. funny i dont remember that as an option. So I pull out the big guns, I go ask another teacher what in the hell I'm sposed to do! She comes over and tries to get him to go to the office. He decides to run around. We page the office for some backup, and the principal shows up. wow, we really went strait to the top on that one. The principal uses his index finger to give him the come here signal and Bishop walks right on over....!!!!!!....WHAT! why didn't i think of the index finger move!? The rest of the day all 2 hours of it were pretty uneventful considering. Some kids cried over some accusations, messes were made, Lucas was frustrated. ahh back to normal. So there's day .5 of subbing, no problem....right

to sum up: I'm ready for the Chief controversy to be over, but I will kinda miss him...probably till tomorrow.


Jaworsk said...

that's exactly what I said about the Chief to all of his supporters out there. "You know, nobody will miss him in a couple of months... NOBODY"

thefutureofamerica said...

Okay, I'd like to believe that, really. But I think Roger Huddleston will be sad as fuck for ages.