Thursday, September 4, 2008

A big day here at the PPP

A couple of things:

-Andrew is right. I still think this is a great idea. A way to just share things we think are interesting or funny via youtube clips or something. We can talk fantasy football (sorry, Eric), politics... blah blah blah.

-I find Andrew's title really sad actually, even though I understand that he's simply missing an 'e' in there somewhere (Let's play a game... which E is he missing!!?)

-Andrew also asked that I point out any of my other blogs that are worth sharing. Well... I've been hearing about this secret government project called The Phoenix Initiative. Stuff appears to be happening over there all that time.

-I've also got a blog entitled Do It For Abe. Hard to explain, but I've been referencing a statue of Abraham Lincoln with my kids at Urbana High School. And so everything I tell them to do is put through the prism of Lincoln.

-Anyway, just so everybody knows... I plan on donating to Obama tonight. Last night's RNC was disgusting... literally. I received an email from Shira this morning saying basically the same thing and that she's going to Michigan to help out for a weekend or something in October. If you've got $5 to give... give it now! He's raised $8 Million since Gov. Palin's speech and it would be great to get him to $10 Million before McCain's speech.

-ALSO... over at shit is happening. I LOVE LOVE the new single "You Don't Know Me" (You can hear it over there). In addition to the new album, BF5 is reuiniting for one show. They're going to play Messner "front to back" for charity. How awesome is that?

I think I'll probably be posting one or two important political stories of the day, since I spend most of my time reading that shit anyway. This clip is too awesome and from the Daily Show... seriously... it's worth a watch. (For some reason Blogger isn't accepting the Comedy Central media viewer, but here's the direct link.

Let's get those posts flowing!

PPP v. 2.0

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